Pupils wellbeing is at the heart of our school! A "quick word" now saves a big worry later! Working together will ensure happy and healthy children!
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South Point"Gwneud ein gorau glas""The Best that we can be"

Welcome toSouth Point Primary School"Gwneud Ein Gorau Glas""The best that we can be"

Cedar Class Year 1/Year 2

Academic Year - 2021/2022

Welcome to Cedar Class!


My name is Mrs Crick  and I teach a combined class of Year 2 and Year 3 children. We currently have 19 children in the class, made up of nine Year 2 children and ten Year 3 children. 


Our topic for the Summer Term is Celebrations, starting off with the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.  We are already working with the children to gather their ideas on what they want to learn about and what they want the topic to look like, but below is some information about some of the things that we will be learning. 


In Literacy, the children will write newspaper reports and persuasive pieces whilst in Numeracy, we will learn about fractions, interpreting data and continue with the four rules of number to use and apply in everyday situations.  To help your child, it would be very useful to practise multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times tables so the children know these off by heart; also the doubles and halves of 2/3 digit numbers.  In Welsh, we are learning how to ask and answer questions about our friends for the topic  Fi a fy ffrindiau (Me and my friends). Children will be involved in daily Helpwr Heddiw sessions to consolidate language patterns taught.


Just a few housekeeping points:-



A homework grid can be found in the inside cover of your child’s Learning Log.  Your child may select one task per week to complete. There may be additional Maths, Literacy or Topic based tasks to further consolidate class learning.  Tasks are to be completed over the following week, Monday to Monday.  The children may complete the work in their yellow Learning Log or submit work via Google Classroom. Pupils' email addresses and login details will follow shortly.



Children will be issued with spelling lists on Monday for testing on the following Monday.  Whilst children will have opportunities to learn their spellings at school, it is important that they practise at home.


PE Kits

PE is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.  We request that children arrive in school wearing PE kit.  



Could we ask that children bring their reading books to school daily.  Regular reading practice is essential for every child’s progress and we very much appreciate your support in this. As a reminder, we would expect your child to read at least 4 to 5 times per week.  Please encourage your child to bring their Reading Record to school every day and please sign or comment on their progress.


Google Classroom

As a school, we use Google Classroom as our online platform.  This will be updated regularly with activities and photos of our learning.



Healthy schools



In support of Welsh Government and local legislation we are continuing to actively promote South Point Primary School as a healthy school.  Could we ask for your continued support in providing your child with a daily healthy snack for break time.  Snacks can include all fruits, vegetables and cereal bars BUT please may we ask that children DO NOT bring nuts to school.


As the temperature increases, please make sure your child has a named water bottle that they can refill. They will bring this home daily to wash.


Useful websites
